Creation week: Dinosaurs and man didn’t walk together?

Another opinion piece

I’ve never met any Christian in all my 65 years who would claim that Satan tempting Eve to sin wasn’t a sin, and therefore Satan was a sinner before the fall. (ie Adam & Eve sinned)

If you can’t admit Satan was sinful before Adam & Eve sinned then I nothing further to say to you.

Well, does it? It doesn’t, so be honest Zac.
Are you really here trying to argue against the bible? You’ve been doing that the whole way. You’re trying to show that sin was in the world before Adam to push your narrative. The thing is, THE BIBLE SAYS, death came into the world through Adam. Do you want to attempt to refute that? Good luck. So again, Zac, your leading questions have always had a narrative but your narrative falls flat.
Oh and by the way, my answer to your question was this(picture) again, be honest.