Climate change did it, what say you?

So I caught this article this morning:

The point was, there are more fires all due to climate change.

So immediately, I popped into the comments. I read ten, and not one person said climate change caused the fires. Most people said, there are more people around and they’re causing the fires.

Apparently, the media and government are not fooling all the people here. If you look up the cause of most fires, they are caused by people, overwhelmingly.

  • So I’m curious, how do your interactions go with people on this subject?
  • What do people think about the issue within your inter circles?
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EV cars are causing more fires! You can’t put them out you pretty much just have to let them burn or waste 60x the amount of water on them vs a regular car fire. :man_shrugging:

My belief is the aerial spraying of chemicals in the skies play a large part of all the fires. Yes, people may start them, but whats coming down from the skies makes them spread like, well, wildfire!

People don’t look up into the sky and realize the majority of the clouds are not natural. The “biofuels” they are using are not saving the planet…they are harming the planet. I’ve seen it first hand in the spongy snow we hqve gotten. I’ve seen the residue left on trees and plants after a rain. The thing is, most people are not looking and paying attention to these things.

So yes, I believe our climate is changing due to what THEY are doing. Obviously I don’t believe their narrative on climate change. It just takes common sense to SEE what’s happening.

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When a forest gets old there are many fallen trees, limbs etc. from the natural growth of a forest. It turns the forest floor, in some areas, into a major fire waiting to happen. Normal rain fall can prevent this from turning into a wildfire. In the west, where they have most of the problems, some of the forest floor can be loaded with dried wood. I saw a report on this years ago.
What the forester said was that some small fires would start and instead of letting nature control itself, they would be put out and the problem gets worse and worse. It doesn’t get cleaned up by the natural fire or by man.

When I visited out in that area, some of the forests floors were so heavy with dried pine needles it was like walking on straw. All it would take is one Marlboro.

Before man took over the areas, the fire could consume the area, burn itself out and the forest could replenish itself. This is what I think they try to do with the controlled burns but many times it gets away from them and causes more harm than good. This happened in Florida on I-4. The road filled with smoke, caused a white out and a massive car and rig pile up which caused deaths. It even burned the road surface and had to be repaved.

With the building in these areas, and the tree huggers not allowing the proper trees to be removed, the residents cause these areas to ignite and then they are hard to control with the loss of many homes.

Some people I talk to just figure its California. They always have a problem. Either a flood or fire. Most don’t even think about it since they can’t smell the smoke.

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I agree that definitely plays into it as well. So many things intertwined…reminds me of Satan’s web.

so this is from AI: “In summary, while some minerals and rocks can heat up and potentially contribute to a fire, others are non-combustible and resistant to fire. The specific behavior of a mineral or rock depends on its composition and properties.” So that is the answer…nature itself (physics/chemistry) can cause fires. Here is CA, combined with the normal heat in summer and dry conditions, if a mountain range catches fire, its very hard to put out.