Chaos And Mayhem Are Gripping The Planet

Full article at: Chaos And Mayhem Are Gripping The Planet | World Events and the Bible

Slowly but surely, our world continues to unravel at the seams. Where do I even begin? There’s more chaos and war fears in the Middle East. Political ruin in the United States. Military coups in Venezuela. Continued war in Ukraine. Financial panic in Japan. Riots in the UK. There’s so much more, and I won’t…


Satan is hard at work. More important than ever to Keep your faith, love and trust in GOD!!!

Was just thinking about this today, with these specific events in mind. Can’t remember the last time the world was confronted with so many flashpoints simultaneously. Just based on the listed crises, it appears the powder kegs are coming in from all sides: economic, political and even religious; that’s world order encapsulated. It only takes one event to light the fuse and spark a chain reaction.

There’s perhaps never been a more urgent time in this generation to seek God’s direction. Great summary. I’d be hard-pressed to find ways of describing current global trends.

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America, land of the free and home of the brave. Our founding documents and treatises heavily influenced by The Holy Bible to serve a predominately Christian People. I’m 60+ years old and America, that shining city on a hill has waged wars justified by any and every imaginable reason except the truth, greed & power. I love America but I’ve failed in my duties, not as an American but as a Christian. I believed the lies, I was a cheerleader, I didn’t ask for discernment of what I now, clearly see as unjust wars beginning with WW I.

As for Israel and it’s war, Israel has waged war with Palestine since 1948. I am generally not a welcome voice in conversation regarding those of “the synagogue of satan”, the anti-christs whom I pray for, that they will come to the cross and confess Jesus as Lord.

When Barack Obama said “America is no longer a Christian nation,” I was mad, disgusted for about 5 min., until I realized he was right. How could a Christian nation wage the wars, rape, plunder, murder and destroy entire countries with impunity, allow pedophilia and all manner of deviant behavior? A Christian nation would not. I believe we are now reaping what we’ve sown via judgements of God.

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How does Starmer know that they’ll be convicted? Found this ealier.

God Blessed America and the “public serpents” used those blessings to create a military industrial complex that bullies the entire world.

If you would like everyone to keep in mind Matt. 24:6, I think it is also imperative to keep in mind ALL of Matt. 24:3-34. “Truly, Truly I say UNTO YOU, This generation shall not pass until ALL t5hese things be fulfilled!” (Matt. 24:34, Rev. 1:1-3). Do you think any part of those verses do not apply to all of “His SERVANTS” (Rev. 1:1-3, Isaiah 55:11, Amos 3;7, 1st Cor. 2:16) in every generation who reads and KEEPS those words? Could they be true if they did not apply to all of HIS SERVANTS both when they were first written as well as now, as well as every generation in between then and now? Those words are true! 2nd Tim. 3:16-17, Amos 3;3, Isaiah 8:20.