Brandon, The Jews Are God's Chosen People, We're Gentiles

the one constant in the 2 verses is the reporting of :liars that claim to be jew. anyway you word that, it means there are liars who claim to be jew. So…who claims to be “jew”? So that is one group. Now, some others recognize they are of the tribes that most strongly represented in the Christian grouping of religion (which is what is mentioned as well in both revelation verses referred to as “synagog”. And yes, its Christ that relays the info.

The reason I ask was that the teaching was: Those were the only 2 churches that Christ had no fault with because they knew who the fake Jews were. The knew the key of David.

I read those verses many times and it never stuck out till the other day.

My problem with that statement was that it is never stated they knew who they were. They might have known they were liars, just as tuning into the news you can tell right away by the fruit being sold, but it doesn’t mean they cracked some code and earned a no-fault status.

it does state “I” know–that would be God’s Spirit the Holy Spirit which is Christ’s Spirit. So…do we have the Holy Spirit? So…we would also understand the blasphemy and also understand why that is the synagogue of Satan. We also “feel” that enmity since the garden. We can understand this because, well, we do—we care enough to actually want what our Father offers. We see how the deception steals God’s word away from the children, we see how blasphemous it is to label satan “as god” by those who refute/deny our Lord Jesus. Not only does the rapture stuff cause delusion, but so does the attachment of “judeo” to Christian. Looking just barely 100 years ago, we find that the word “judeo” never was even a reality until the early mid-1800s…right around the time the rapture doctrine was being spawned.

The way I read it,
Rev 1:11 - Christ is doing the talking.

Verse 2:8 …These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive; (again would be Christ himself talking) Verse 9 starts out with Christ saying, I know…

I know thy works, (which had to be good since He found no fault)
and tribulation, (which they were suffering as all did during those times including the apostles)
and poverty, (They were not wealthy like the Laodiceans (but thou art rich) (because they had the gold tried in the fire that Laodiceans lacked)
and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. (The church was being vilified due to their belief by the ones who were classified as the Synagogue of Satan for what their belief was, same as modern Israel today)

They still believed in God, just their own form of Him, as Israel does today. They rejected the Son. Their spirit and truth were void. They were religious.

I agree that we know and see the fruit of those who take part in the synagogue of Satan. It is everywhere. Many modern-day churches fall into this category. I also agree any Christian today, even those who are lukewarm, that stand for Christ will feel the enmity.

Going back to the original topic, which was the teaching states, they were accepted as no fault since they knew who the fake ones were.
This is where I find falsehood in the statement.
Christ told them to continue to be faithful, even unto death. If they did, and overcame what they were going through, (The persecution) they would receive their crown. (Same as us today)

Even the church of Ephesus found, by testing, some of those who claimed to be prophets but were not. They were fake. It was what they said, not their race. The church was doing everything right except one thing.

Christ gave 2 lists of things about the churches. He builds them up with the things they do right and warns them of the things they were lacking.
Nothing of any favor (Which is what was taught) is given to Philadelphia or Smyrna for them knowing who the non-Jews were. We are never told that they even knew who they were except that they were being persecuted for their faith in Christ by this group of people Christ called the Synagogue of Satan.

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I have read all comments and thanks to that. Apostle Paul was an Israelite from the tribe of Benjamin ( Rom 11:1, Phip 3:5). It’s not in vain he said “if any man has no love for Christ let him be cursed” (1 Cor 16:22).

Brandon most people do not understand that the Jews today are not descended from the Hebrew Israelites of the bible. The Hebrew Israelites never called themselves Jews and did not practice Judaism like we see today. They spoke and wrote paleo (ancient) Hebrew and also spoke Aramaic during the time of Christ; not the Hebrew that we know today. The letter “J” doesn’t even exist in the Hebrew alphabet. The true Hebrews adhered to the Noahic laws and the major feasts or appointed times such as Passover. Christ knew the difference and admonished to Pharisees for practicing a type of Judaism that was derived from Babylonian pagan practices while putting the Talmud, which consisted of 600 man-made laws that allowed things such as having sex with and marrying children, above the Torah. This is why He referred to them as the synagogue of Satan. They were Edomites posing as Hebrews and were the sworn enemies of the Hebrew Israelites dating back centuries. This is why they were infuriated with Christ and wanted Him crucified when He said He was the Son of God. Go to the book of Genesis and study it and you will see why God made it a point to record in great detail the lineage of Noah, Abraham, etc. In the table of nations, it is in plain sight that the tribe of Ashkenaz is descended from Japheth (European), NOT Abraham. The book of Genesis also makes it very clear that the seed of Jacob (Abraham) mixed HEAVILY with the seed of Ham (dark skinned people) for THOUSANDS of years. This is why God changed Abram’s name to Abraham. Moses, Abraham, King Solomon, King David, ALL had children with and/or married African wives. The Europeans and Americans completely whitewashed the scriptures after the invention of the printing press to push white superiority and erase all evidence of people of color in the bible. The problem is there is still overwhelming evidence in the scriptures that say otherwise. Think about it: Why is the Arc of the Covenant safely hidden in Ethiopia and NOT Israel? And why is it that the Ethiopians can trace their lineage all the way back to King Solomon, but Israelis can only trace theirs back to Russia, Turkey, and other areas that have nothing to do with the Middle East? There is a reason the scriptures say that at the END OF THE AGE OF THE GENTILES, God will return ALL the tribes from ALL the nations they were sold to due to slavery, which hasn’t happened yet, and THEN Christ will return and establish God’s kingdom on earth. The signs that the age of the gentiles is about to end certainly seem to be upon us, especially with the gentiles starting to war with each other in Ukraine, Russia, and now Israel, which will soon draw in the rest of the world, which means the entire world could quickly learn why and how they have been deceived. Both Hebrews and Gentiles will receive rewards and punishment in the last days, and it will be the conditions of our hearts and our ability to love God and one another that will determine what type of reward we will each receive. If color really doesn’t matter, it shouldn’t matter if Christ was black or white right? Well, it certainly mattered to the Europeans because they went above and beyond to make the world believe He looked European. Christ’s return is certainly going to be a true test to determine if those who say they love Him truly do. Pray for this world Brandon.

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2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name,……”
“called by my name” CHRISTIANS