I remember hearing Trump say he was against Tik-tok, but now he’s talking about an executive order to keep it alive. In another article, I saw where the Tik-tok head honchos are going to be at the inauguration. I suppose money talks?
did anybody think that the ban was going to happen? i didn’t, they say one thing and turn right around and do the opposite, how is anyone going to keep up with this bull crap. no wonder why people are so confused about everything these days. lets see what happens with the deportations on the illegals with the new mucky muck taking charge on the 20th.
I think Kevin O’Leary has a reasonable solution. He just completed a meeting with Trump to discuss his idea. He and his business partners would like to purchase TikTok — without its spy-ware algorithm, which they don’t want. They believe they can build TikTok into a better platform.
This is a short clip of O’Leary talking about it. Start listening at 1:20.
Sorry I can’t answer any of your questions because I don’t understand how any of this stuff works. My gut feeling is that no one should touch TikTok unless China is completely out of the equation.