Biden performed terrible! Let's talk about the debate.

So we watched the debate last night…

Biden didn’t get 10 feet on stage before we were in dismay. His first words, “Hey folks” seemed weak and sickly. In fact, the White House later went with the story that he was sick. If he was, they could have rescheduled. Sure, there would have been temporary blowback, but the damage that’s been done now is permanent…

After watching Biden’s performance, it is clear to everyone, there’s no rhyme or reason why Biden should be the Democrat candidate. In fact, we almost felt bad for him his performance was so poor. Yet, we reminded ourselves, he’s the one wanting to run and his family and staff are behind him.

Let me tell you something, those people, they owe the American public a big explanation! They already knew Biden’s mental fitness, now everyone does, without a doubt. All of those people have not only let down Biden, but the American people!

If you saw the debate, then you know what I’m talking about. Biden mumbled and bumbled, and then he rambled on about nothing. He’s never acted like a leader, but certainly not on this night. His eyes were closed, his head down, no one can respect a guy like that. Certainly not other world leaders. It’s weakness.

I give plenty of credit to Trump for playing it how he did. I guarantee, he appealed to Independent voters. He kept the antics to a very minimum and just said what most Americans want to hear.

So get this…

After the debate, we hung around for the post wrap-up, since it was hosted by CNN, I figured they would make a gazillion excuses for Biden. To our surprise, they didn’t make a single excuse. Instead, they slammed Biden over and over again. In fact, they were in dismay, just like we were. The CNN hosts said they are in panic mode and they even talked about how to remove Biden as the nominee!

On live national television!

They weren’t having some back room private conversation, this was public. That’s how bad Biden’s performance was. I’ve never seen anything like it before. We were literally in shock.

Van Jones, a chap who was a part of the Obama White House, and that worked with Biden, reluctantly had to tell the truth, Biden is simply unfit. It was unbelievable. It wasn’t just the CNN hosts either. They cited high ranking elected Democrats and big wig financial supporters who all called the CNN hosts during the debate to complain and ask what the heck was going on!

So all the Dems are in panic mode right now, and they should be.

At this point, I can’t wait to hear the morning after chatter.

Will the Dems make a change, if not, at this point, I see polls moving back in Trump’s favor. Boy, what a disaster we have on our hands people!

So, did you see the debate, and if so, what did you think?


I made it through an hour of it. That was all I could take.

I agree about Biden’s performance. This shows they care more about themselves than the country. Even if he was the greatest president of all time, there is no way he would last another 4 years.

Good leaders do not blame the other guy, especially after 4 years in office. If things you wanted to get done were squashed by the system, then alert the public on the failed system.

Putting all that aside, to me it was the same old thing. Attack, half-truths or total lies. Some of the info delivered here was proof of that.

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I couldn’t even listen to it.
I watched The Lone Ranger and Jeff’s Collie old tv episodes on the Roku.


Both puppets both of the nwo and satan. The world is a stage.


So true, satans puppets!!


Didn’t watch. Knew the outcome. Consider …that this may have been a ritual… a public display of a “changing of the guard”. Ca Governor on the side. Surrogate? never heard such a thing before regarding attending a debate. Who are the “powers” behind each of THOSE two? <~May have nothing to do with the scenario, may have everything to do with it. At any rate, IMHO the ones who put Biden up there KNEW the outcome, arranged the debate and the media/left&right followed up with their marching orders. EZEKIEL 7 God is well in control. We shall continue to get precisely what we deserved from a JUST GOD. Though this platform rejects Pastor A. Murray I do HIGHLY recommend going back to S.C. study on EZEKIEL 7, while EVER prayerfully seeking from FATHER wisdom and understanding One-on-one.

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I watched bits and pieces of it but I already said that I will vote because my ancestors and other brave souls fought for my right to do so, however, my vote may not be counted because I’m physically going to draw a box and write Jesus name and shade it in :joy::joy::joy::joy: I’m joking but do yall see how torn I am when it comes to voting this time?!? lol one acts like a little racist 2 year old and the other is acting as if his clone is glitching :joy::joy:

I watched about 30 minutes out of curiosity and reinforced my belief that America is under judgement and will only worsen. Jeremiah 17:5-10 is a comfort and a warning .

  • Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord.
    6 For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited.
    7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.
    8 For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.
    9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
    10 I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.
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I watched every minute and loved it. I hope they do have another one.


I watched it and was just shaking my head. Biden performed as I expected but Donny didn’t give me any hope. Just old men bickering, stating a lot of stats but very little facts. All i heard was during my administration the country was at its best, under yours at its worst. It was sad and what a laughing stock this country must be.
During their closing statements all they did was attack each other. How about sharing a vision, painting a picture of a great future, giving the country hope!!??
Well for me this is another election I will proudly not participate in. My non vote is my vote. Kiss my a$$ DC!!
Brandon, your message yesterday about the elections was well timed and much needed.

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ok…basement biden was not in the basement for covid-con…it was becasue he has brain health issues. So…who exactly is running the show for biden? Some say obummer (that’s not true)…but if you look at the powerhouse departments in the admin (such as chief of staff, HHS, Homeland Sec, Sec of state, and AG)…once someone smells the fruit, they should look at the “belief” of these folks. They claim to be of Judah…Ill leave it at that. reminds me of “strong with a small people”…Dan 11. Or…just carry on

Biden maybe yes, but Trump is not of Satan and he is against the NWO and the what the Left have done to the USA. You sound like a self-righteous “Christian” who thinks they’re some how “saved” but Jesus Christ doesn’t even know you.

You people who easily criticize our political system, but don’t participate in it and vote are a big part of the problem and help push the USA into decline.

What are you doing about it?

You might wanna do a lil research. He pushed the vax. He shut the county down. He lied and lied. He created the space force lol really? What a joke. I can go on and on. He gives money to israel . He didn’t stop abortion. He didn’t stop gay marriage
He didn’t lock up hillary. He’s of satan. He’s in the club. You don’t get to that level and not be in on it. He’s pushing nwo. Controlled opposition. Never put faith in man. Well you don’t know me i just put faith in God follow Jesus and I’ll be ok :sunglasses:

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I know how you feel, I felt the same way, but then I realized I was ignorant. The R’s and the D’s are doing a pretty good job of ruining this country. Maybe my vote would change all of that, but my guess is no. Look at the last 30 years. R’s and D’s have come and gone yet the trajectory stays the same.


I would encourage people to view 2 documentaries.

The Turning Point - The bomb and the cold war
The Turning Point - 911 and the war on terror

These show historically how our nation has meddled, influenced and committed ungodly actions, supposedly all for the sake of democracy. The letters on the doors were R and D. Some of these things started back in the late 1940’s.

The corruption of the CIA as well as the other agencies, and so on. Many things our nation initiated brought about many of the world’s problems, including war and the death of thousands. How many nations lie in ruin without any leadership or structure due to our involvement?

If God is in control, we should stop grabbing the steering wheel and let Him in the front seat.

Maybe just one foot, but he is in the club because he has to be. The only shot of being elected is to dip the toes in the swamp.

There are over 300 million people in the USA and these 2 are the best that come forward for us to support. Why do we think that is?

In my opinion, the president has less power than the agencies that were put in place to protect us for proper governance and they are the fox in the hen house.

Why else would the D"s want to keep Bernie for another 4-year weekend?