Bear attack stories, and yes, handguns are effective!

For you gun enthusiasts, here are some interesting bear attack stories, along with the effectiveness of handguns in them. Would you believe, 98% effective?!

Here’s the first one, link below…

Summer 1962 – .22 LR Grizzly Bear Montana

The incident with the grizzly bear happened in the 1962 spring trapping season. Another worker was helping Chuck then. I met the guy once but have forgotten his name. A 500-pound male grizzly bear was caught in the steel jawed trap and took it and the tangled up drag about two miles where the bear hid in an aspen patch. Chuck and his helper tracked the grizzly on foot. The helper was armed with a 12 gauge shotgun and all Chuck had was his nine shot Harrington and Richardson Model 939, double action, .22 revolver in a holster on his belt.

The grizzly charged and Chuck stood still waiting for his helper to shoot. He looked around and the helper was running off with the shotgun. Chuck turned to run and tripped over a tree root and fell to the ground. The 500-pound male grizzly ran up to Chuck and stood up on his hind legs over him with the trap on a front paw. Chuck pulled out his .22 revolver and fired all nine shots in it. Some missed, some glanced off the grizzly’s skull and one went into an eye socket, killing the bear


I hope I don’t have to find out. This guy was standing on the retaining wall looking in our window.



That’s a black bear, right? We have black bear to the north of us and they are slowing moving down by us. I’ll never forget the story about the black bear at my grandparents house up north. They had a metal bucket outside and a bear got his head stuck in it. They woke up to all this racket going on outside there window. Thankfully the bear got it off his head by himself. So the moral of the story…don’t leave buckets with handles outside! LOL

Yes, it is.

One year at the deer camp, where we kept our food outside in the cold, no electric, a bear came in and was pawing through our containers. A couple of the hunters decided to feed him raw hot dogs through the cracked door. The rest of us stayed behind them, knowing they were nuts with our rifles.

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