" Autumn Splendor "

Psa 74:17 ThouH859 hast setH5324 allH3605 the bordersH1367 of the earth:H776 thouH859 hast madeH3335 summerH7019 and winter.H2779

Entered This In This Months Art Contest, Theme Is : Halloween/Autumn
I choose autumn :heart: :fallen_leaf: :leaves:


Looks like the mountains in NC. Nice.

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Thank you! I do all my work from the imagination so it is awesome to know that this reflects something familiar and real. Here and there I have looked for real nature pictures to inspire me and even though I have a better idea where to go now to try and actually see real nature pictures, I prefer to just go with flow.

I would have chose Autumn as well! :slight_smile: That is just gorgeous!! I hope you win this month - you truly have talent!!

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Thank you very much Kay I appreciate you and your time <3 <3 <3