As The World Falls Apart, Remember...

Full article at: As The World Falls Apart, Remember… | World Events and the Bible

As the world falls further away from God, it becomes that much closer to Satan. There is a great divide separating us from friends, family, and even Christians.


My daughter and i enjoy your articles and website so much! Thanks for all the work you put into it! I don’t post much but please know we are AVID readers of it and it has helped me understanding Revelation. I pray to the Lord for discernment and boy, a tsunami of knowledge seems to follow shortly after!
This particular article really hit home. As i take God’s command of coming out of Babylon and remaining unstained from this world seriously (Rev 18:4), i’ve come face to face with my own mom. It broke my heart when i had to ask her, as graciously as possible not to come to my home since she practices some weird reiki “cleansing” ceremonies. She is also Catholic and follows some weird mix of Asian pagan beleiefs. I’ve shared the Gospel with her, gifted her a Bible in her maternal language, quote and explain scripture to her. She went through the hostile stage where she even made fun of me with my siblings, who are atheists. Then she downright told me "i know what you believe is right and i respect it. However i like my beliefs of choice, won’t stop practicing my “cleaning” ceremonies and ask you to respect it, too. If that means you won’t host me at your home then so be it ". BAM! From the woman that gave birth to me.that hurt!..the saddest part is that she thinks it is her choice. It seems to me she may be under judgment for her rebellion after being shown God’s truth. And God is giving her over to her own desires (Psalm 81:12). Yikes! So, i told her i love her and will honor her as my mom, as God commands. However the first commandment will always override the 5th: God is my one and only. I won’t compromise for NOBODY. It was painful at first, but God has granted peace to me (Luke 14:26). I’ve wondered if Abraham felt similarly when he left his idolatrous family of origin…his father Terah was the Chief idol maker in town, imagine that! And by the time he moved away Abraham was well advanced in age already. Reading more about him in the Bible has helped me cope and stand strong. I pray for my mom and siblings to come to His light if that’s God’s will. In the meantime, i’ve had to also keep “well meaning” in-laws at bay. They are mainstream Christians who think nothing of pagan traditions of men (Mark 7:8). You’d think i was trying to turn them into jihad terrorists and i probably would be more successful at attempting that than sharing God’s word with them. The God of their imaginations and traditions is not to be messed with. They say i’m a radical fanatic, so be it. Worldly people truly are the walking dead. I have God and a small but committed home church brethren. I thank The Lord for instituting the home assembly of believers. I left the corporate, lost church system a long time ago. Being Brethren through the blood of Jesus trumps earthly blood ties. I thank The Lord for that!
My website if you feel inclined to check it out is tiny(dot)cc/777YW.

Maranatha, brother!
Your sister in The Lord,


That’s because bad news sells more tickets than good news always has. reading gossip is more interesting than reading the gospel.
A very old saying ‘bad news travels fast’ is absolutely true.
people rush with excitement to watch a house burn down, but hardly notice a house being built. A ‘friend’ might forget to give you an important message, But he or she wont forget to tell you and the whole town that your wife was seen with another man. And that same ‘friend’ will be disappointed to find out that the ‘other man’ was her visiting brother. Human nature. I’m thinking more and more that the answer to the question, 'what is life all about? Is to conquer your human nature. It’s ungodly.


The problem is that there are few TRUE Christians. Those who understand the TRUTH.

How many people do you know who “claim” to be Christian , yet are teaching or believe a “trinity” of 3 gods in a godhead .

There is ONE God who has several “roles/offices/titles/jobs/responsibilities”.

Jesus is God in a flesh body.

I know of very few who understand this , so they are praying to a different Jesus and that is why at the end God will say to them depart from me I never knew you… who have they been praying to if they do not know God is ONE… not 3 different persons.

Try to reveal this and discuss it with other Christians and you get alot of pushback. We all read the same Bible, yet the same sciptures are used on each side to cite their reasons for their conclusions… and so there are different conclusions.

How can 2 walk together if they are not in agreement. If you are not in agreement, that converstion ends and there is a division of what is understood. Even then in families there will be discomfort… you cant even talk about the bible and God after that disagreement if you cant even agree on WHO God is.

It is idolatry to teach more than one god… the 1st and 2nd commandments.

God is the only One who can come back and fix this mess. He says in the Bible they wont listen to Him, so they wont listen to us either when we try to talk about it.

Well i mean those things should not divide. I could hammer ppl who believe nasa and the globe where i have many many Bible verses against it. But are those ppl unsaved? Only God knows the heart. Ill never wanna divide those who follow Jesus even if theology that is not gospel is a little different :man_shrugging:. I’ve never felt the urge to speak tongues but some ppl say you are not saved if you don’t :man_shrugging:. I just study for my self trust God and use discernment and go from there. If you have a different interpretation and have Bible verses that’s cool I’ll listen but at the end of the day i don’t wanna divide if its a real Christian.


Btw, I’m still on the fence with the flat earth. But the way I think about it, it doesnt really matter. We will all find out sooner or later.

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Its all good. I like to refer to it as biblical cosmology lol. I personally feel it could matter when it comes to the 1 world deception but who knows when that will be. 5 years? 500 years? No one knows. But if you ever need any more verses just ask!

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