Full article at: Are You Tired Of The Culture Wars Yet? | World Events and the Bible
America’s culture wars have become ever tiring, haven’t they? We’ve become a country divided about every topic you can imagine. In fact, that statement might even create division within itself. Oddly enough, we’re the “United States of America,” but we’re anything but United. We’re now the “Divided States of America.” You know, back in the…
Some people will probably take this article as mentally giving up to not support one of the candidates.
Looking at the history of our nation, some leaders did some good things, mostly on a small scale. In the big picture, most did not. The negatives far outweigh the positives. Every generation gets worse, and the snowball is rolling faster down the hill.
If the church and the Christian in them truly believes that God is in control, why the fight? (Dan 2:21, Psalms 75:7, Job 12:16-25)
John 17:16, if this is true why try to run it? (1 Peter 1:6-7) Things were so bad, even Elijah wanted to die, but there will always be a remnant. (Romans 11:5)
Prophecy moves on. At some point, the trumps will start to blow. Does anyone think that any candidate will have the nation running as it should right before the first one? That would be like the world having total piece and then a global war starts out the next day.
There has to be a lead in to all that is spoken. The Lord calls them pangs. (Matt 24:8) This is where we are right now. We don’t know what trimester we are in, but we do know that our nation, in the Lord’s eyes is a whore. (Hosea 4:15, Jeremiah 2:23-25, Ezekiel 16:35-37, 1 Cor 10:8)
If there truly is nothing new under the sun, (Ecclesiastes 1:9) and we can read what happened before to those who went astray, (1 Cor 10:11, for those churches who want the truth) why would we think we can rudder the ship, which is nothing more than the evil beast, on another direction? When our guy wins, most follow 1 Cor 10:7.
I agree with everything you said, Except that there is no hope. I’m that someone that Snowman referred to in his comment. Trust in God, but is your respsonsibility to tie your camel up so that he doesn’t wander off. We lock our homes and our cars up because it is our responsibility to secure them and not God’s. It was our responsibilty to punish and shun improper behavior and we called a spade a spade. I, 'like you and a lot of Americans have watched Justice fade along with all decency, common sense. Also I’ve watched RIGHT very slowly transform into WRONG. And people who read the bible know that we are biblical times. When I think about not fighting for what I know in my heart to be right,
but instead just worry about me and my own household, I cant help but think of Peter denying Christ to save his own life. And Jesus saying 'whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Im in the last chapter of my life, so I could likely keep a low profile and go with the flow and be ok to my death bed. No way! I wont do that. Thank God 12% of free thinking educated Black Americans have crossed the Isle. People who three years couldn’t name a vice president and didn’t care and had never voted in there life. They do now and they are voting for the first time. You downplayed the importance of this election saying that it’s all nonsense and that there is nothing we can do basically. I like your bible research, and I’ve learned a lot. But when it comes to telling your voters that voting is foolish I am adamantly opposed to that. It was blind fools who crucified Christ.
I gotta go with what I know is right. Regardless of what you or anyone else thinks.
Because likle I said, each and everyone of us will stand alone at judgement.
I do appreciate you and respect you. But on this subject we are 180 degrees apart.
Hey Kev!
To be clear, I never said voting is foolish. Quite the contrary. For years I’ve said, we need to focus on the local level and ensure we’re voting there. It all starts at the local level and works it’s way up.
What many, including yourself veer away from is the past…
Now in this election, we’ve been blessed with the opportunity to have already seen both of these chaps in office. During Trump’s tenure, he increased the national debt by $8 trillion. No one ever wants to talk about that, but it’s a major reason for massive inflation along with Biden’s works.
That’s the point of this article. All these guys, all our politicians have blood on their hands so to speak. Mr. Trump also gave us Covid, blame the Dems, but he was the dude in power who let Fauci speak. That event destroyed our world.
There’s no way on God’s green earth I’d vote for someone who increased the national debt by 30% and who gave me Covid.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…
So I highly doubt any of my readers feel like giving up. However, I think many feel we do not have a legitimate candidate that represents them.
"So how much of an effect will such an EO even have? Little to none… According to the fed site, the 8% can be allocated however the occupants of the fed-edu dept deem appropriate. IOW, if they want to fund child porn books in the library with the 8%, then so be it. So, that tells us where the snakiness slips in.
so trump increased it and inflation was nominal considering the ronacon when he left. How much has biden increased the debt and what is the inflation rate now? Trump had 4 years, biden crew has 3.
Remember my article several weeks ago about being used like a dirty rag?
From each side of the media, right and left, you’d swear the other guy is Satan himself. You’d swear Biden increased the debt like never before. Truth tells a different story. In reality, Biden’s spending is under Trump’s.
This information comes right from the government.
Overall, from one presidency to the next, the debt typically increases. It doesn’t matter if they’re red or blue. I highly doubt many will be able to grasp that, though it’s clear from the numbers. The media pressure and our own bias is just too much to overcome.
yes i did remember. But I know, inflation was not even close to what it is now. And yes, budget increases for sure regardless…either trump with wanting the military money and adding everything else to get that…to biden with ronacon and climatecon.
Brandon, If you believe that then you are informed by CNN and MSNBC. those outlets are so predictable, right bad! left good! they are ridiculous. Equal to you stating that 'Trump gave you Covid. And standing on an inaccurate graph. No way you could vote for him. Let me ask you, Did Trump give the lower Keystone pipeline the green light for completion on day 1? Did he eliminate a pallet load of GPA regulations that were strangling
American manufacturers to the point they could not compete with the rest of the world?
Did he not began building the wall he promised. Who put a stop to it? Did he implement tariffs on countries suppling goods to America to even the playing field with American manufacturers? Did he mandate banning gasoline cars by 2035? did he help or hurt Americas energy providers. Did he not make America energy independent during his term? Was the Russian hoax and the dossier a fabricated lie by the left and the corrupt DOJ?
He came in green , not knowing just how corrupt the government players were, and don’t you think he is much wiser now. I do. In reality it is amazing how much he got done considering all of the false acuisations and two impeachment proceedings. He did not actually get to serve 4 years. I know the answers to all of those questions. So does 1/2 of the voters in this country. You also didn’t mention his economy. do you know that? Unemployment stats?
By the way, 'my family did not get vaxxed, we didn’t wear masks and we didn’t stay home
Had Covid not been so hyped on TV I would have never known about it. Business as usual.
That’s correct. Just give me someone who can make a real difference. Till the system is scraped and a new one initiated it is not going to happen. There is too much money being made in the old one and we are the serfs providing it. It is rotten to the core.
One could maybe make a difference at the local level, the Federal and State are gone, and there is plenty of corruption locally too. That is why I moved; I saw the worst coming and from the reports I get, it was the smartest thing I did.
Just to prove the point, change your neighbor, then his and so on. See how far you get. Just on morals. How about the family. If it doesn’t need a correction, especially on the spiritual level, you are very fortunate. Most are a wreck.
Walk into a rapture church and change their minds, even with scripture. How about Easter using scripture. If we can’t make a big difference in those, black and white subjects, how can it be done on the national level trying to school the pharisee’s of the world? Especially when it hits them in the wallet.
Every Christian church in the world has the same book, yet it is terribly divided. What book does the politician use to show he is right?
The system is like the bag of taters under the sink. It started out fresh. Sooner or later, they tend to sprout, leading to something bad. One day, you walk around playing, what and where is that smell. Once found, you see the one tater that has created the smell. He gets tossed. The others seem ok, but they too are trying to become something bad. You hang on to the rest. Then you soon realize that the smell stays, not as strong but it is present.
So, you take all the taters and wash them, give them the sniff test, but you just don’t know if you can trust them to be good since the bowl they were in, the system, got polluted. When that happens, you throw the taters and the bowl out and replace it with something fresh and you keep a closer eye on them.
Marina Abramović says trump is a great magician. Both choices are of satan. The great deception is that voting works. All presidents atleast in my life time are evil and steering us to the NWO and the anti christ to show up. They are all in on it together. The world is a stage. I’ve only seen maybe 1 politician in DC that is worth anything. All the others are controlled. Alot controlled by jews the bad ones. It shows they all bow to money.
Also mentioned alex jones in the article. Really interesting he could be bill hicks! Lots of deception out there!
Come on buddy, there’s no need to be rude.
Did I cite CNN?
No sir, I cited government data. Instead of being faced with the data, you chose to divert the subject to various other political questions. This is why Americans cannot find common ground. They can’t admit there is fault with their own horse. I don’t have a horse in this race.
From my articles, it’s clear, I’m no fan of the left or Biden. However, let’s not turn from reality either. It’s a fact, the United States is the number one oil producer in the world. On the watch of a greenie. Ohh and Biden recently put an 80% tariff on Chinese solar panels/equipment. Why? To promote American manufactures.
You’ll never learn any of this if you only listen to one side of the argument Kevin. I gleaned that from finance, not any television network.
As for the Trump economy, I’ve mentioned it many-o-time. Why did it do well? He increased the debt 30% Kevin. When you bring new money in and spread it around, what do you think will happen? It’s basic finance sir. It’s one of the reasons inflation is so bad, you had both Presidents spend an enormous amount of money. Inflation doesn’t crop up overnight, just as it hasn’t gone away overnight.
By the way, which President had the best economic growth?
It wasn’t Trump or Biden.
Which President had the best S&P 500 growth? Clinton.
With respect to the border, Trump let in nearly 1M illegals in 2019. You do know that?
If we don’t step outside of the echo chambers, we’re never going to increase our knowledge of subjects. We’ll only have the talking points of our specific party. It’s the same for Scripture, if we only listen to the pastor, we’ll never form our own opinions based on what the Bible actually says.
With all that said, if you think he’s the best candidate, more power to you. But you can’t down others because they disagree with the political rhetoric. More importantly, when the facts do.
Like I said, our views, Mine and yours are 180 degrees apart on this subject. I do not expect all people to agree with everything I say and believe, surely you don’t either I hope. In fact I would become wary of or bored with any person that did so.
Brandon, I’m downing anyone. If the shoe fit’s ? I’m done with subject as obviously we have very much different opinions on this subject. I’m not of the mind set that what I believe is superior to all others. I just have to go with what I know, not considering myself to be an idiot. Nor do you, I’m sure, and I don’t believe that as well. We simply disagree. Let it be.