I’d love to hear some thoughts on the H-1B visa program…
Good idea, bad idea?..
I found some interesting notes below.
I downloaded five years of H-1B data from the US DOL website (4M+ records) and spent the day crunching data.
I went into this with an open mind, but, to be honest, I’m now extremely skeptical of how this program works.
Here’s what I found
As it turns out, these are ALL Indian companies that import H-1B tech workers en masse:
These aren’t American companies that needed international talent to fill critical roles. They’re foreign companies that appear to have been founded to place overseas tech workers into US companies as contractors. - Source
Take a look at this…
As usual, it’s all about the money. Cheapest labor wins.
Funny we were talking about this today with Musk making threats to the republicans. We think the program is a good idea but has been mismanaged and abused. All these American workers training these people, just to lose their jobs to them as it’s cheaper labor.
I think the program is a good program if it was managed correctly, managed correctly being the key phrase here. Unfortunately our advanced education system has become so poor that we are just not turning out enough quality high tech workers needed to remain technologically competitive. There needs to be guard rails in place to assure that qualified American workers always are first in line and that foreign companies cant use the program to undercut american workers. Any company on US soil (american or foreign) should only be allowed to bring in workers as a last resort.
You know, it is hard to argue with that logic. Our country has, from what I have been hearing for years, is behind in academic scores compared to other countries. Our math scores are near the bottom.
Some of the top people in the medical field are not from here. They came here, educated themselves, and stay for the successful life here, which helps us.
The nation wants and needs to start producing jobs here and the social sciences are not going to get it done.
Between 2019 and 2023, US math scores cratered, dropping by 18 points for fourth graders and a whopping 27 points for eighth graders—huge declines on a scale where 30 points roughly equates to a year of learning.
I’m sure illegal immigration doesn’t skew the numbers…
From that link, we can see education peaked around 2010 or so.
Thoughts for us all…
Did America suddenly become stupid or is there something else going on?
Are we certain Indian tech workers are superior to ours, or is it that they get paid tens of thousands of dollars less than American workers?
Something to think about, and I like the thoughts coming in. Good to see everyone’s input.
Here’s some other links on education:
P.S. I didn’t find India, Mexico, or Haiti on the list. It looks like the top education hot spots are the European and Asian nations. I’ll give you one guess why that is…
for the most part, I don’t want a lot of immigration. As far as H-1B----its our education system ruination since the 70’s that has lowered the value of simple 3 R’s. That’s the root of the problem this addresses, so that’s what needs be fixed. And I don’t think anyone should come here unless they speak our language. And no one should be allowed in carrying begging bag.
this is just an appeasement and blather, not a fix. if the problem is education, our ppl are just as capable of being educated IF it’s offered. Well, maybe too many vaxes and poor food, might disturbed that reality a bit. by mid to late 80’s, the 3 R’s were mostly destroyed.
I agree. The system is fat and broken. Common Core?
There is another side of the coin too.
Back when I was in school, when the rock tablets were still used, there was more of a drive for learning. It was almost an embarrassment to receive poor grades. Just as a free lunch was for the poor children.
Over the years, it seems that has been lost for many. The freebees have become an honor. Things are adjusted just to push them through. Some of this problem also starts in the home.
The 3 R’s need to be the focus. Anyone who has ever seen Facebook or the like has probably shook their head at the atrocious grammar.
I know we want well rounded students but if one cannot give simple change, does teaching them Shakespeare knock off the corners?
Whether you are a believer or not, we are all given talents. Maybe the focus should be to develop that talent instead of trying to keep everyone on the same standard.
Learning higher math, even if it won’t be used later, develops the mind for higher thinking in the real world.
as well, there was a breakdown in the family group/unit…stuff like Dr Spock and Kinsey, to name a few. So, “belief (religion power)” was taking a real hit. Maybe we can relate that to the tower of Babel, in that comms (part of the education power) was available b/c we could read.