12,000 structures destroyed in LA fires, 6 dead

I continue to hear about the raging fires in LA…

Isn’t this an absolute governmental failure?

If we have any readers in the affected area, know our prayers are with you. :pray:

Gov control at its best. God gave us tons of resources. Those in control act like we are running out all for control to the 1 world system.

The level of stupidity can’t be made up.

The residents caught a guy with a plumber’s torch setting fire to dry Christmas trees. They grabbed him, zip tied him and called the police. He was taken in, let go because they said they lacked evidence. The old catch and release.

The other head shaker is when you need water to fight a fire and have water tanks that are filled by pumps, don’t you think backup generators would be in place when the procedure is to cut power in high winds so the pumps can keep the hydrants flowing?

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