Did Jesus Preach To The Spirits In Prison?

It sounds like you got it, but Scripture doesn’t outline the minute details.

It stands to reason, it’s anyone who didn’t accept Jesus. Certainly people like the Rich Man. People who fit Gal 5:21, 1Co 6:9-10. The point being, the “unrighteous” are on the wrong side of the Gulf in Heaven for certain.

What about the aborted, miscarried, mentally ill, and so on, which side?

We don’t know about them for certain. Either side would make sense here. Since they are all untried, it’s possible the wrong side, but it’s only my opinion. People like the aborted and miscarried could very well be there with Abraham. Again, we don’t have these details.

What about good hearted unbelievers, are they condemned to the Lake of Fire?

I spent most of the last two days writing about that and second chances. When they are completed, at some point, I will publish those studies for everyone.

What about the hundreds of millions of people who lived before Jesus?

I’m working on all of this right now.

The ones on the wrong side are the same batch as before. Once we die, we go to one of the two sides, and we stay there until Judgement Day, at the end of the Millennium.

Now, will “everyone” on the right side of the Gulf be priests? On some level, but think about a Government. That’s what God’s Kingdom is, a Government, even a global government. There will be many varying positions. Not everyone can be the head honcho.

When I think about this life, I think of it as an election. We are all running for office in God’s Kingdom. You have to prove your worth by living according to the Book. If you do, you get the nod. However, not everyone got an opportunity to run for office, so that’s what the Millennium is for.

On the first day of the Millennium, those on the right side are judged for what’s stated in Revelation 20:4. Therefore, the only other people to be judged are those on the wrong side of the Gulf, the “unrighteous,” and whoever else. Again, the same batch as always. Once we die on earth, we go to Heaven, but either the left or right side of it.

The Millennium is where God fine tunes who is “saved.”

There’s no second chances, not if someone really had a chance to begin with. I think that’s where most people get hung up. Only God is the Judge, we don’t know what qualifies as a chance in certain conditions. Remember, even evil people God can control. Like Pharaoh as one example. Where’s Pharaoh going?

If there were second chances, then this life makes no sense. Let’s just skip this life, and move into the Millennium, and figure it out there. Let’s save us all some time and heartache. Instead, the reason for this life, aside from salvation of course, is to see who will be in God’s Kingdom, who is going to help rule it.

So then, let’s walk through the Millennium.

There’s teaching going on, obviously to save some people. A thousand years of it. That’s a lot of teaching. Meanwhile, Satan’s locked away. But then, at the end of the Millennium God let’s Satan out!

Then what happens?

Once again, Satan turns people against God. Yes, after all of that. Satan gathers a ton of people together “to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.” So all these people go attack God’s Captial. Yet, they’re instantly wiped out, (Rev 20:7-10). That is probably the Lake of Fire being issued right there.