A note on the “record heat wave” paranoia

What stuck out to me is they keep saying temperatures will keep going up year after year but this broke a record from August 2016, shouldn’t it have broken a record from last summer if what they believe is true?

Its record heat because they spray the skies on a daily basis with toxic chemicals. (world wide)The alluminum in this spray spreads out throughout the skies and completes a layer across the sky preventing the heat to rise, therefore creating basically a furnace on earth. This stops our heat from dispersing into the atmosphere. Our Lord did everything perfectly and his climate has been played with and alltered by mad men since Vietnam, when they did their first beta test with agent orange. Its been going on for a long time and they perfected this over the years. You can read up, but you will not get the real truth unless you look deep. They call it cloud seeding or something like that. Biden recently said they want to block the sun to prevent global warming when in fact its them doing it…for a long long time. THe lies are endless in this evil place called earth.

So now it’s night time climate change.

Now it’s the dangerous asphalt that releases it’s stored heat at night.

If you don’t have an air conditioner you are at risk of stroke, etc.
Yet they want to decrease air conditioner use because it’s causing climate change.

The climate specialist, I mean weatherman this morning said we are only one degree above normal.
Said in a whisper. :crazy_face:

Then they said people needed to stay inside.
All for your safety of course. :skunk:

Go fly a kite, I’m going outside to enjoy the day the Lord has made.

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Remember Underdog cartoons??
Remember Simon Barr Sinister?
Simon B. Sinister

His side kick Cad, well he sure looks like John Kerry.

I agree, they are definitely modifying the weather. But again, people that think that way are conspiracy theorists. And just what is in those bio-fuels all the jets are using? Why is it so rare to see the clouds we used to see in the past? How can two jets at the same height have different chem trails? So many oddities that it could make your head spin.

Oh…and do you want to hear about the mysterious snow that came down. A couple years ago we had the strangest snow in the spring. It was spongy like and had a mild odor to it. So I scooped some up and put it in a clean glass cup and covered it with plastic wrap. As it slowly evaporated there were a few dots on the bottom of the cup…kind of whitish. It kind of looked like silica gel. I wish I would have had it tested, but didn’t want to spend the money on something I knew was happening anyway.

No, that was only in the early 90s. :smile:

It’s been well established for years governments are doing “geoengineering.” At least since the 70s, perhaps the 60s, I honestly don’t recall. However, is that common knowledge among the populace? Probably not. :man_shrugging:t3:

Yea Def they seed clouds. A guy in the 70s was pushing that info and he got shut down big time i forgot his name. Mainstream news did a story about cloud seeding in utah to make more snow. I personally think they can manipulate hurricanes to be worse down here in florida.

Have you ever watched Dutchsinse, the earthquake guy? He is very good at predicting earthquakes and of course labeled as a conspiracy theorist. My gut trusts him and I have to give him credit for saving many lives in Italy when viewers there heeded his warning about an upcoming earthquake. I think he has paused his commentary on the wildfires and weather modification for the time being.

Yes, the HOT! weather is burning our dogs’ paws on the asphalt! also, people are falling on the asphalt getting burned and filling up the ER. Common sense tells me of course it’s going to be hot, stay off the asphalt.